Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Memorial

Who will notice when you are gone?

I don't spend much time pondering my mortality. I certainly don't consider my legacy. And, without offspring, there isn't much to live on when I am dust. As an atheist, afterlife also doesn't enter the picture.

But last night got many tongues to wagging about life and death and who would notice our individual worldly departures.

This past September 11 (yes, 9/11), one week or so ago, two men and their pilot were killed in a small plane crash in Vilas County in northern Wisconsin. I've spent a lot of time muskie fishing in that neck of the woods. It is beautiful country and the two men were en route to their cottage on Star Lake. The men were both business and life partners. A couple together for more than 20 years. Curt and Jon, 40 and 50 years of age, respectively, operated Milwaukee's premier interior design firm and were patrons of the arts. They were benefactors of the Milwaukee Art Museum where their public memorial service was held last night. 1000 people were invited and well over half that number attended. Maybe 999. I had less than 30 at my wedding.

Now I don't know about you, but I doubt I have met one thousand people in 44 years of life. It was incredible to see how many turned out for the service. These guys had obviously touched many people and lived life to the fullest.

Not that there is anything wrong with anonymity. I don't want to give the impression that I am bemoaning the fact that a memorial service for me wouldn't require the space of MAM's Windhover Hall. But sometimes perspective smacks you upside the head. And our catering crew last night, who laid out hundreds of rows of candles perfectly aligned with flutes of rose champagne for the mourners, couldn't help but talk about how popular the two gentlemen who perished in that plane near their weekend getaway truly were, and whether our own lives have touched others. Maybe we were just passing time before clearing the empty glasses.

“If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?” - Chuck Palahniuk


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