Sunday, June 7, 2015


One week from today I will be picking up my dear friends the Pennell family at Chicago's Airport after their journey from Bristol on the southwest coast of England to Amsterdam and then a KLM direct flight into Chicago. I can't wait.

Mark always says "Sunday, Fun Day". He works hard operating his Serious Ink Tattoo Studio Tuesday to Saturday and then Sunday is meant for relaxation and a few cold Tiger beers.

For my blog I thought I'd lighten up on my usual blogs on Sundays and have a little more fun, covering other topics and avoiding my rants. One idea I had was to answer questions from my readers. This alone can keep some venom and controversy in the content. I will answer honestly, frankly and bluntly with no-holds-barred, complete gloves off bare knuckle responses. Vale tudo style (anything goes) for those who know fighting. I won't shy away from anything. There is one rule though: If I answer your question and stir up some shit, you must be willing to have your name published as the question's author. Email me at and next Sunday (assuming anyone bothers to submit) I'll answer some questions.

As an incentive for you to submit questions, I am offering a prize for my favorite question (may be the most controversial, may be the most intelligent, may be the most ridiculous - it's subjective). In the last blog I mentioned the incredible downloads available at Andrew Smith's Yesterday I bought two items from his site. I didn't need them. The first is my one hour documentary of our 2006 Costa Rica field trip. I made the film so I didn't need to buy it! However, in fairness, I wanted to show the same support for the site that I asked of you so I spent the $10 (that's right only $10 to download two fine products for the tarantula enthusiast!). I have the 720p HD version of my "In Search of Costa Rican Tarantulas" in three different file formats. The second item is "Baxter's Bumper Book of Tarantulas". I also didn't need another copy of this. I have early drafts and the final product as I was part of the editorial team. But this is a pioneering work on tarantula keeping and breeding by England's pioneer and a must for every true tarantula enthusiasts library. So, ask my favorite question, and I'll provide you with free copies of both!

As far as Sunday miscellany: 
1. I'm a huge hockey and diehard Chicago Blackhawks fan. Sadly, they lost 4-3 last night and the Stanley Cup Final is now tied at one game each. But a split of two road games is a good thing in hockey and I look forward to the return to the Madhouse on Madison for Game 3.
2. I have loads of spider feeding to do today. Keeping up with my collection is a 7 day a week job. It's a rainy, sleepy Sunday morning and I'm going to head out for some breakfast and then get a Netflix movie or three going while I work on the spiders.
3. My buddy Jason has been in Peru for over six months. He'll return while the Pennell's are here and I know he can't wait to be reunited with the spiders he left in my care. He did sell off much of his collection before he left, but has made some purchase while out of country and has a nice assortment here that I've been growing for him.

Send me your questions for next Sunday. I will reply with brutal honesty and characteristic truth. MJ

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