Sunday, March 6, 2016


Breakfast is done and the AGM and Committee Meeting begins in 40 minutes. I can't believe that in 24 hours I'll be about to land back in Dublin and then land at O'Hare at 2:10 pm Monday afternoon. Our UK week has flown by and I'll be sad to leave the Pennells and my home away from home.

I will be bringing back a very limited number of BTS t-shirts for distribution in the US. I made a couple of Instagram posts but haven't had any replies so I thought I'd advertise it here. Here's some pix. 

The above black T has the BTS logo and celebrates our 30th anniversary last year. It is an exhibition shirt and the back is like a concert tour shirt with all of the past Exhibitions listed. 

This shirt also mentions the 30 years of the BTS and is available in this grey version as well as black. 

Email me at if you are interested. The cost will be around $29 shipped or two for $53 shipped. I'll work out exact price when I return, but preferred payment will be check made payable to me and sent snail mail or friends/family PayPal payment to As I wrote, this will be a limited availability offer and I'll only have L-XXL shirts. 

Tonight I'll give you a final wrap up of the 14th BTS Lectures and our UK adventure   MJ 

1 comment:

  1. I want an xlarge brother....see ya a week from saturday
