Sunday, September 6, 2015


I write this from the break room at On Target Range and Tactical Training Center as I enjoy my morning Starbucks Americano before my shift begins. I'm usually off on Sundays and relax and work the spiders, but it's Labor Day weekend and we're having a sale. Tomorrow I'll get time and a half for laboring on Labor Day. I'd make more staying home selling spiders, but that career is in the rear view. 

Tonight we're having a family dinner at Wildfire restaurant. I've brought a change of clothes and gun, as I'll have to rush right there from work. They have a delicious bison steak that I can't wait to cheat on my diet for. A couple of Jameson's and gingers will complete what I expect will be a beautiful evening.

The weather has been hot this past week but it's supposed to cool midweek so I will get some more packages out the door. The spider numbers keep dwindling, but Frank Somma is sending me some more sparassids and ctenids this week to offset it a bit. 

I hope many of you are BTS members and have had a chance to read my two articles in the new Journal. If not, head over to the BTS e-store and at least get a digital membership. If you truly can't manage that expense I may make PDFs of just my two articles available to friends. 

Speaking of friends, a reminder that I'm extending an invitation to an ArachnoParty in my home on Friday, October 9. Mark Pennell will again be the guest of honor and with him, Chad Campbell, John Apple and, hopefully, Andy Daugherty, it will be a crazy time. 

I hope y'all have a safe and pleasant Labor Day weekend. Don't drink and drive, you might spill. Keep your sunny side up and your dirty side down. 

All the best, always, MJ

PS - Follow me on Twitter @exoticfauna for blog post announcements and more and follow me on Instagram at same name for spider pix with occasional off topic pic like tattoos and silliness. Gun lovers check out my @dailyhandgun Instagram, and for high res photos that you can even purchase see my official galleries at



David Lawrence said...

Hope to see all of you on October 9th... I enjoyed the last Arachnoparty and your hospitality!

Anonymous said...

all I saw from that entire sunday funday was BISON STEAK droooollll

mj said...

Mark's plane tickets are booked and I'll pick him up at O'Hare on the afternoon of Sunday the 4th. Party is on for the 9th.

The high plains bison filet with the coffee rub is out of this world and I intend to take Mark to Wildfire to try it. I enjoyed it with a sweet potato, caesar salad and a couple of Jameson's & ginger.