Monday, June 15, 2015



This blog was created August 21, 2008. It began with an explanation of the name:

"I suppose we should begin with the name (KISS MY BIG HAIRY SPIDER). It's really just something that came to me one day. A little irreverent, yes, but nothing more than a pseudo-clever statement of attitude all the while drawing attention to a passion. The idea was to 'catch the eye' as the slogan's genesis was my envisioning a bumper sticker suitable for the beater van I was driving at the time. Big, old white cargo van with a vile polluting V8. Cheesy as hell. What better canvas for a bunch of obnoxious bumper stickers? So I had them printed."

The original KMBHS sticker was in basic sans serif block letters. I then printed another batch with a "scary font" for ArachnoCon 2007. More recently, this slogan has been put on the back of t-shirts that have my logo on the front. Here it is exquisitely modeled by Jacqueline Wojick.

When I resurrected this blog two weeks ago someone posted a pic of the original sticker in use. And, of course, now I can't find the post and wasn't smart enough to save the image right away. But here is the second (2007) edition of the sticker on my spider room door.

Maybe I should print up another batch. Thing is though, people don't buy them. Everyone "wanted" one of the KMBHS SPIDERSHOPPE black Ts, but only a few bought them. I gave away 90%. Everybody "liked" the beautiful Nadilyn Béato "I LOVE POKIES" bumper sticker, but they also have sold poorly and been mostly distributed as freebies. (BTW, check out Nadilyn's Etsy shop and show her some love. She does some cool stuff and provides excellent service.)

I talked to Nadilyn about designing me a new T-shirt that would not only have the KMBHS slogan on it, but also a drawing of a big hairy spider. It's on the "to do" list. But I am not optimistic about sales. I think I would have to do one of those teespring things when a certain number are ordered and then they are printed instead of having my own inventory produced. I don't know what it is with cheapskate tarantula hobbyists. $10 shipped for two of the POKIE bumper stickers and 2 each of my SPIDERSHOPPE stickers featuring Harpactira pulchripes and Pachistopelma rufonigrum and sales have been poor. My experience with producing T-shirts, stickers and even selling inscribed copies of an inexpensive, but invaluable, book is that hobbyists don't buy them. They


The Pennell family arrived yesterday afternoon and we had dinner with my stepdad at my local brew pub and vintner (The Village Vintner) and then returned to my house to sit out on my balcony and have cocktails. Today we visit downtown Chicago - the "Loop", Millennium Park, Michigan Avenue, Navy Pier, north to Lincoln Park and eventually the Cubs game. As I type this it is raining hard - again - so we may have to take in the indoor wonders that Chicago has to offer. Maybe the Art Institute or Field Museum or Shedd Aquarium or we'll return on Saturday to take in what we've missed. Also, there is a Tattoo Expo at Navy Pier on Saturday. 

But I have a rant planned for tomorrow and I'd like to go back to the Moisture Cycle, proper ventilation and the reputation for Avicularia spiderlings being difficult to raise in a blog this week. My houseguests are here until Sunday, but I'll have plenty of time to write - just as now since I am an early riser and all is still quiet in my "guest quarters". 

I leave you with one more topic: Chicago Blackhawks. I am a huge hockey fan and it is the only sport I like and follow. The Cubs game tonight is just to give my dear Brit fans a truly American experience at Wrigley Field, on of the most historic of US ballparks. Anyway, while we are on the north side of Chicago at the Cubs game the Blackhawks will be playing at the Madhouse on Madison (United Center) on the other side of the city. They will be playing to win the Stanley Cup for the third time in six years! If they win tonight, at home, it is going to be PANDEMONIUM. And the Pennell's will be here for a Chicago gone crazy!

Until next time, MJ

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