Monday, June 8, 2015


One of the many advantages of being self-employed (call it semi-retired if you wish) is that while all the sheeple curse the post-weekend alarm buzzing to tell them it is time to fight traffic to work, I sit here peacefully drinking my coffee and getting ready to go run errands in stores that are mostly empty. Sure there are the young housewives, but that's part of my enjoyment. I do enjoy beauty in my surroundings.

So, who is actually reading this thing? I've made it six days in a row and have zero feedback. My request for questions for "Sunday, fun day" has thus far been ignored. I can't figure out the Blogger analytics well enough to determine who is following/subscribed, but I do see an range of 50-80 reads of each post. Not stellar numbers, but certainly enough to encourage me to continue. As I said, this is therapeutic and I require therapy. The little pills I take to make me put on a happy face and not go berserk and rampage may not be enough. As they say, in the 60s the world was normal and people took illegal drugs to make it weird. Today the world is weird and I am just one of many who take legal drugs to make it seem normal. Of course, it is all big pharma's grand scheme. But as long as I feel good.

Two years and four months ago I lost the most important person in my life. My mother was my greatest champion. 6 months ago I lost the second most important relationship of my life - my dog Taylor who was by my side 24/7 for over 13 years and seemed to sense when I needed her most. The first tragedy forced my return to Chicagoland after 13 years away and I am still trying to adjust. The second tragedy has left me devastated.  The little pills help.

I'll close this little glimpse into my life with a happier note and then head out to the aforementioned errands. I'll post a second KMBHS blog later and return to arachnoculture and education. 

Looking forward to next week's houseguests (the Pennell family from Bristol, UK) and counting down the six days. Also back next week from a long stay in Peru will be my bud Jason and I'm having a little Friday night arachno-soirée that my mate Chad is coming down from MN for. Other guests will join us for a toast or two, which will be of the Jameson Black Barrel that Chad owes me from our bet on the Blackhawks and Wild playoff series. 

Finally, below the blogs is a place to leave me comments. Write something, show me I'm not writing to myself. Not that I mind the therapy. It's kinda like my diary although I spare you the soul-baring confessions of my fetishes and perversions and crushes and dreams. 

Have a lovely Monday, MJ


Anonymous said...

Your not writing to yourself buddy

Javier JPG said...
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